How to Find Acceptance for Your Body After Baby

“My body had just done this incredible thing for a third time. My rational mind wanted to revel in that spectacular feat, while my feeling mind wanted my old self back ASAP.”

Today Meggie Maas is sharing 6 things that can help you move through the postpartum period with more grace and acceptance for your body after baby.

The post How to Find Acceptance for Your Body After Baby appeared first on Wit & Delight | Designing a Life Well-Lived.

Why Don’t We Talk About Sensual Pregnancy?

“I’ve never imagined the process of pregnancy to be so sensual and juicy. It felt instantly unfamiliar and gauzy and epically simplified. I’ve never been pregnant. But by watching this video I wanted to be, desperately, as if the carnality of the whole thing pushed emotions down to my guts; made me primal.”

Today Brittany Chaffee is exploring the many layers that come along with the process of carrying a child, particularly the idea of sensual pregnancy. It’s an intriguing look into an idea we don’t often discuss, and well worth a read if we do say so ourselves.

The post Why Don’t We Talk About Sensual Pregnancy? appeared first on Wit & Delight | Designing a Life Well-Lived.

Reimagining Myself as a Mother

“While my husband oscillated between feelings of joy and terror post-positive test, I was preoccupied about how this new addition to our family would alter the world I’d worked so hard to build and who I’d become as a result.”

Contributor Kara Nesvig is exploring the vast questions that impending parenthood presents: namely, what will change once the baby arrives? And what will stay the same?

The post Reimagining Myself as a Mother appeared first on Wit & Delight | Designing a Life Well-Lived.